A worker at heights, wearing 3M™ Fall Protection Harness.

Training Courses and Fit Testing

It's more than just products, it's knowing how to wear them that helps bring you home safely at the end of your workday.

Health and safety training

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Fit testing
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  • An intermediate level respiratory protection course intended for individuals who will be responsible for conducting qualitative fit tests within their workplace. Content includes legislation, the need for respiratory protection and testing, product selection and hands-on practice of qualitative fit testing.

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  • Get a complete solution for hearing protection fit testing, with dual-ear and earmuff testing capabilities and a user-friendly interface. The 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System is a fast and easy way to find your employees’ personal attenuation rating, which is an important step in your hearing conservation program.

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  • Compare different styles and fits of safety glasses to help you select the best fit for each worker with 3M's revolutionary Eyewear Fit System. Quick and easy, the assessment can be done in just ten minutes and provides insights on the best fit for each employee.

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Education and Training Certification with 3M Safety Training

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