A worker wearing a fall protection harness and a hard hat, carrying a piece of wood on a job site.

Fall Protection and Rescue Solutions

Focus on what matters most — getting home safely to the ones you love. 3M Fall Protection is Canada's leader at heights, delivering and developing world-class fall protection solutions with DBI­-SALA® and Protecta® Brands that help keep you safe.

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Featured fall protection product categories

Featured fall protection products

  • Find the features and fit for you with the 3M™ DBI-SALA® ExoFit NEX™ Plus Brand.

  • Every detail of the new 3M™ DBI-SALA® Smart Lock Self-Retracting Lifelines is designed to help increase your productivity and convenience.

  • Introducing the 3M™ DBI-SALA® Nano-Lok™ 2G Self Retracting Lifelines that unites industrial-strength durability and function with an extremely compact design that is virtually unnoticeable on your back.

A fall protection harness with a 3M™ DBI-SALA® Nano-Lok™ Edge Twin-Leg Self Retracting Lifeline.

Trade in your old gear and receive a purchase rebate!†

Find out how

†Conditions apply.

Training and education for working at heights



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