Learn how to better protect against the long-term damage that can be caused by excessive noise.
Noise — normally defined as unwanted sound — is one of the most common health hazards.* The human ear is so sensitive, it can detect pressure changes as small as 20µPa and so prolonged exposure to excessive levels of workplace noise can lead to irreversible, yet entirely preventable, hearing damage that can significantly impact a person’s day-to-day life.
*Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. www.ccohs.ca
High or sustained noise levels can quickly damage the pressure-sensitive organs within the ear.
Single loud sound events, or prolonged exposure to persistent levels of noise, can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, along with other conditions such as tinnitus.
According to Canada Labour Code, Part II, (R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2), Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, (SOR/86-304) and local (provincial) regulations, there are certain steps employers must take to protect their employees. Employers must prevent or reduce noise-related risks to their staff.
*Content source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. www.ccohs.ca and independent testing by VITO
Switching to high-performance abrasives help reduce noise exposure as they cut faster, allowing jobs to be completed in a shorter time.
Measuring the noise levels affecting workers allows management to better determine the best steps for mitigating harmful levels of noise. Where possible, opperations should be designed in such a way so as to minimize noise exposure.
Personal protective equipment, such as earplugs and headsets, can be used to help mitigate hearing damage from damaging levels of noise.
Offering 3M’s proprietary Precision Shaped Grain technology, these discs deliver exceptional levels of cutting capability and the stock removal capability of a grinding wheel.
***As compared to 3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 982C. According to an independent study by Fraunhofer Institute.
Hand-arm vibration reduction
Reduction of airborne particles
Utilizing durable yet flexible soft bristles which cannot penetrate skin or eyes, these bristle brushes and discs reduce the risk of injury while cleaning and finishing metal.
Hand-arm vibration reduction
Reduced risk of injury