A metalworkers gloved hands, using a powertool to grind a piece of metal.

Hand-arm vibration

Learn how to protect your arms and hands against vibration.

View the abrasive safety assessment guide

Vibration-related injuries are most commonly associated with tasks that require excessive bending of the wrists or time on tools. Injuries associated with this hazard tend to be irreversible and can actually become more severe over time if vibration exposure continues.

Hand-arm vibration can cause

  • An icon of a palm-up hand with lines radiating off it.
    Reduced sensitivity
  • An icon of a flexed bicep with a line above it indicating reduced strength.
    Reduced strength
  • An icon of a hand.
    Reduced dexterity

Employers’ responsibility

There are no formal Canadian regulations governing vibration. Canadian agencies will use the Threshold Limit Values (TKVs) and guidelines recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) which states that daily exposure limit to vibration (8 hours equivalent total value) should not exceed that of 5 meters/sec2.

*Content source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. www.ccohs.ca and independent testing by VITO

Managing and preventing hand-arm vibration

  • An icon of a toolbox with a wrench on it.
    Use efficient and appropriate tools

    Switching to high-performance abrasives help reduce vibration exposure as they cut faster, allowing jobs to be completed in a shorter time, reducing overall exposure.

    View efficient abrasive products  

  • An icon of an arrow pointing down.
    Eliminate, reduce or substitute tasks

    By eliminating, reducing or substituting tasks that involve hand-arm vibration, risks related to vibration exposure are minimized.

  • An icon of two arrows, one pointing left and one pointing right.
    Adjust work method or consumables

    Adjusting how a job is being completed or what type of consumable is being used can greatly reduce vibration.

**As compared to 4515 Siabite basic 2 in 1 wheel. According to independent testing by Fraunhofer Institute.

†As compared to traditional aluminum oxide cutting wheel. According to an independent testing by VITO and Fraunhofer Institute.

Learn more about abrasives safety