Functional, economic restorations you can count on.
Whether temporary or permanent, pre-fabricated crowns can provide a functional and economic option for restorations. 3M™ Pre-fabricated Crowns are designed to accurately resemble the anatomy of the teeth they are replacing, for easy adaptation during fitting and dependable protection of the dentin and pulp beneath.
Easily removed strip forms contour restorative material to match natural dentition.
Stainless steel crowns provide superior longevity compared to multi-surface amalgam fillings
For a viable method of single-unit temporization for both short and long term coverage, choose pre-fabricated crowns in a variety of forms and sizes.
Short and long-term | N/A | Short-term | Short-term | Short and long-term |
Permanent | Primary | Permanent | Permanent | Permanent and primary |
Anterior and bicuspid | Anterior | Molar and bicuspid | Molar and bicuspid | Molar, bicuspid, and anterior |
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